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The Limousin breed originated in a region of central France - rugged, granite country - where the summers are hot and winters are severe.

The documented history of Limousin goes back more than 15,000 years to to an area surrounding the French city of Limoges where rough cave paintings showing the characteristics of the breed have been discovered and carbon dated. The Limousin herd book was established in 1886.

Today the Limousin breed can be found in seventy countries from the northern-most herds of Finland and the Commonwealth of Soviet States to countries such as Cuba, South Africa and China.

The Limousin breed is:

  • the largest breed in the UK
  • the third largest breed in the USA
  • the fifth largest breed in Canada
  • the seventh largest breed in Australia



The Limousin is a rich gold colour, with lighter circles around the eye and the muzzle, and shading to a lighter colour on the legs. Limousins can also be black as a result of grading up from black cattle in Australia. The head is small and short with a broad forehead, and the neck is short. All French Limousins are naturally horned. In Australia polled Limousins have also been developed. Most horned Limousins are dehorned at a young age. The Limousin is intermediate in size and maturity between British and most other European breeds.

Limousin cattle adapt to diverse climates and the widest range of management systems, from the top end of the Northern Territory to the highlands of Central Tasmania.

Ease of Calving
Limousin calves have low birth weights, which lead to minimum calving problems when Limousin bulls are used over cows of other breeds.

High Dressing Percentage
Limousin crossbred steers and heifers have high dressing percentages of 58 - 63 percent compared to an average of 53 - 58 percent.

High Yield
High meat to bone ratios and low fat leads to outstanding yields of saleable meat from Limousin cross carcases. Yields of up to 80% of saleable meat are not uncommon.

Tender Healthy Beef
Limousin meat is finely textured, tender and low in saturated fats and cholesterol. It is genetically trimmed.

Limousin cattle are efficient - they have moderate mature size and are excellent foragers walking long distances for food. They also have above average feed conversion rates.

Genetic Strength
The Limousin stamps its characteristics on other breeds when used in crossbreeding programs, especially its superior carcase characteristics.

